How To Transfer My Domain From GoDaddy Print

  • 183

Transferring a domain name to Namesonic depends on the registrar that your domain is currently with.  These instructions will help you to move your domain name out of your GoDaddy account and into Namesonic.  If you get stuck at any point during the process, please contact us for technical support.

Here are the basic steps required to initiate a registrar transfer:

  1. Login to your GoDaddy members area
  2. Find the row labelled "Domains" and click "Launch
  3. Unlock your domain.
    • Find the row labelled "Locked" and click on "Manage"
  4. Update Email Addresses for Registrant and Administrative Contact
  5. Request EPP/Authorization Code
  6. Login to Namesonic and submit a domain transfer order.

GoDaddy has also provided additional information about transfering your domain to another registrar.

You can follow the detailed steps provided below to transfer your domain to Namesonic.

  1. Login to your GoDaddy members area
  2. Find the row labelled "Domains" and click "Launch

Launch your domain

  • 3. Unlock your domain.
    • Find the row labelled "Locked" and click on "Manage"

Unlock Domain

  • 4. Update Email Addresses for Registrant and Administrative Contact

GoDaddy Contact Information

GoDaddy Contact Information

  • 5. Request EPP/Authorization Code

GoDaddy EPP Code

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